On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 6:18 PM, Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> scripts to be used. IF so... you could cron a job (outside of jenkins)
> which

OTOH... (kind of off-topic but it's related...)

a few years back i was administering Solaris systems at a bank. Those
systems ran various stock-market-processing software, mostly transferring
trades between brokers. On one system i noticed that one of the monitoring
jobs, a simple "ping"-based script provided by the app developers (i was
the sysadmin), had about 40 stale instances running, some of them months
old. So, like any good admin, i fished out their PIDs and killed them.

Two minutes later the app's developers called me in a panic because their
server software had spontaneously restarted and switched cluster
nodes. What had happened was quite interesting, from a sysadmin's/software
developer's standpoint (and we're quickly approaching the point of this
whole side-note)...

cron, at least on Solaris, has a limit of how many jobs it can run at once
and queues up jobs if the limit is reached. When i killed the 40-some-odd
ping processes, 40-some-odd _other_ queued processes, some of them several
weeks old, were finally run. That included, for example, the nightly
shutdowns and morning startups of the app servers (those ran several times
in a row, and i couldn't do a thing to stop it).

The application's project manager was quite upset.

My point is simple... cron can also have its drawbacks.

----- stephan beal
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