On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 12:38 PM, Martin Gagnon <eme...@gmail.com> wrote:

> sure it would be nice to keep permission and ownership.... may be storing
> the output of: ls -ln $(fossil ls)   in the repo could be used from a
> script to check/restore permissions...

Permissions are a touchy subject because they're inherently
platform-specific and fossil tries to be platform-agnostic insofar as is
feasible. Once fossil has Unix permissions support, people will want
extended attributes support, ACLs, and other weird stuff (not that Unix
permissions aren't weird, but they are the most common case).

Fossil initially had _no_ support for permission, on
portability/philosophical grounds, but Richard eventually caved to public
pressure and added support for the executable bit primarily because not
having it breaks the "configure" script which lives in the vast majority of
open source repos. Fossil is designed/meant for managing _source repos_,
and it is very rare that source repos use non-default permissions for files
(other than +x, which is an unfortunate but exceedingly common special

----- stephan beal
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