Hi All,

I moved a file (say file1.txt) from one dir to another and, in the
same time, changed its name (say, to dir1\file2.txt); it was
relatively long so I forgot about the move. Then I tapped (all names
changed for clarity):

>fossil extra

>fossil add dir1
ADDED dir1/file2.txt

>fossil chan
MISSING file1.txt
ADDED dir1/file2.txt

At this moment I realized that file1.txt was actually changed to
dir1/file2.txt, so I happily issued:

>fossil mv file1.txt dir1/file2.txt
RENAME file1.txt dir1/file2.txt
d:\usr\local\fossil\fossil.exe: SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: abort at 42 in
[UPDATE vfile SET pathname='dir1/file2.txt' WHERE pathname='... <path
name cut in the middle>'
d:\usr\local\fossil\fossil.exe: columns pathname, vid are not unique
UPDATE vfile SET pathname='dir1/file2.txt' WHERE pathname='file1.txt'
AND vid=1749

If you have recently updated you fossil executable, you might
need to run "fossil all rebuild" to bring teh repository
schemas up to date.


... Then less happily I did:
>fossil del dir1/file2.txt
DELETED dir1/file2.txt

and followed my usual way in such cases:
>fossil mv file1.txt dir1/file2.txt
RENAME file1.txt dir1/file2.txt

which went fine.

I may be wrong but think that moves of an added file should be
possible, shouldn't they?

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