On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 8:49 AM, Lluís Batlle i Rossell <vi...@viric.name>wrote:

> in a save operation. Can you reproduce it?

On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 8:49 AM, Lluís Batlle i Rossell <vi...@viric.name>
in a save operation. Can you reproduce it?

Okay, to make sure i've got this right:

f mv file1.old file1.new
f stash save
add/edit other files?
f stash pop

and the changes from the 3rd step are reverted?

(f=symlink to fossil on my system)

Here's what i've tried:

stephan@tiny:~/cvs/fossil/test$ fst
repository:   /home/stephan/cvs/fossil/test/../test.fsl
EDITED     hosts
RENAMED    resolv

(resolv.conf was rename to resolv)

stephan@tiny:~/cvs/fossil/test$ f stash save
REVERTED: resolv.conf

Then i started over, did "mv resolv.conf foo", made a separate edit, and
got myself into this state:

stephan@tiny:~/cvs/fossil/test$ fst
EDITED     foo
EDITED     hosts

(foo was actually moved _and_ edited)

stephan@tiny:~/cvs/fossil/test$ f stash save foo
REVERTED: resolv.conf

resolv.conf was foo before a mv operation, so that "should arguably" say
"reverted foo" instead of "reverted resolv.conf", but that's splitting

stephan@tiny:~/cvs/fossil/test$ fst
EDITED     foo
EDITED     hosts

that's actually what i would expect, but:

a) i might have missed an obvious logic error.
b) like i said, i suspect you had another step or two which i didn't.
c) ACTUALLY... i wouldn't have expected stash/unstash of a rename to work,
and am pleasantly surprised to see that it does ;).

Can you send me the steps to reproduce? i've got another 2.5 hours or so of
hacking time left tonight.


----- stephan beal
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