On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 12:30 AM, Steve Waggoner <stwaggo...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi All,
> Just something I noticed that seems un-intuitive and makes calling the
> binary from something like PHP more difficult. The "--nochange" option is
> documented as "do not perform changes but show what would be done" so it
> really shouldn't change _FOSSIL_.  If you don't have write permission to
> _FOSSIL_ you can get the following error:
> steve@VaioLx:~/sandbox/research/repo/work$ fossil update trunk --nochange
> fossil: SQLITE_READONLY: statement aborts at 39: [UPDATE vfile SET
> mtime=(SELECT mtime FROM vfile WHERE id=:idv) WHERE id=:idt] attempt to
> write a readonly database
> fossil: SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
> I am not quite sure why it would update the timestamp for a dry run. Maybe
> that code can be bypassed with the "--nochange" option.

--nochange means no changes to the repository.  The _FOSSIL_ file is a
different matter.  Fossil has to update the timestamps in _FOSSIL_ in order
to figure out what would need to be updated.

> -Steve
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