Hi, all,

while hacking on a new /json/doc command for fossil i found that we don't
need one...

f json dir www -ci tip

will get the current list of docs:

[stephan@host:~/cvs/fossil/fossil]$ f json dir www -ci tip -I 2 | sed -n



and we can then fetch any given one of them with:

f json artifact THE_UUID -c
# -c == include the file's content in the output. Only works for text files.


[stephan@host:~/cvs/fossil/fossil]$ f json artifact
e0131236d0af2bd20c6fa96e1a7b84f1f555ea8b -c -I 2

Still missing is an option to wiki-process the file's content, but we have
that code already so it will be easy to add.

Happy hacking!

PS: i've decided against sub-second timestamp precision for the time being,
primarily due to concerns about integer precision in JSON (specifically:
precision is unspecified, so an 8-bit-precision implementation is
technically compliant). i could revert to using doubles for timestamps, but
i find that somehow dissatisfying. Not sure exactly why, though. i want to
stick with Unix Epoch times, in any case, as opposed to Julian, simply for
portability - every platform has routines for dealing with epoch seconds
and many use them as their basis.

----- stephan beal
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