So I converted all the embedded documentation to markdown and on a, cursory, inspection it looks the same.
I found one peculiar thing which is reported to Natacha.

I think I like it.

There are extensions to markdown syntax. but I'm not sure how they can be used. example

<center><table border=1 cellpadding=10 hspace=10 vspace=10>
<tr><td align="center">
<img src="branch05.gif" width=485 height=177><br>
Figure 5

is translated in

   Figure 5

I'm missing height and width here. In the soldout documentation it is mentioned that
"Discount-ish renderer

discount_html and discount_xhtml implement on top of the standard markdown some of the extensions found in Discount.

image size specitication, by appending " =(width)x(height)" to the link,
    pseudo-protocols in links:
        abbr:description for <abbr title="description">...</abbr>
        class:name for <span class="name">...</span>
        id:name for <a id="name>...</a>
        raw:text for verbatim unprocessed text inclusion
class blocks: blockquotes beginning with %class% will be rendered as a div of the given class(es)."

Are these available?  If so what is the syntax I tried:
![](branch05.gif =(485)x(177))\
![]=(485)x(177)(branch05.gif )\
![=(485)x(177)](branch05.gif )\

I like this feature because it is much less to specify and given that you can add class and id attributes CSS can be used for style.
If I only new how to use it :-)

Wiki pages

When I add markdown markup to a wiki-page e.g.
I add:   **rene de Zwart**
This  rendered as **rene de Zwart** .

What is the strategy with respect to wiki pages and the use of markdown?

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