On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 4:18 AM, Martijn Coppoolse <
li...@martijn.coppoolse.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I’ve got Fossil listening to a non-standard port on a server somewhere (
> http://domain.com:8080/repo). From within our office’s network, I can’t
> directly connect to outside URLs on nonstandard ports (i.e. other than 80
> for http, or 443 for https). Fortunately, we do have a proxy server, which
> does allow this.
> When I tried syncing the repository using a direct connection, fossil
> times out and fails (as expected).
> Server:    
> http://u...@domain.com:8080/**repo<http://u...@domain.com:8080/repo>
>                 Bytes      Cards Artifacts     Deltas
> Sent:            5385        115 0          0
> C:\MC\Run\Util\Console\fossil.**exe: cannot connect to host
> domain.com:8080
>     Total network traffic: 0 bytes sent, 0 bytes received

Have you read about accessing Fossil through a proxy?

> Then I did
>     fossil set proxy fwdh2:8080
> (since fwdh2:8080 is our network's proxy server), but now `fossil sync`
> gives the following error:
>     Server:    
> http://u...@domain.com:8080/**repo<http://u...@domain.com:8080/repo>
>     C:\MC\Run\Util\Console\fossil.**exe: unknown repository: fwdh2:8080
> Am I doing something wrong? If so, what should I do instead?
> Or is Fossil somehow interpreting my proxy as a repository name? (Note
> that I’m running this command from the checkout directory; with `fossil set
> proxy off`, it tries to connect to the correct remote-url).
> Or is Fossil running into some other problem, and somehow displaying the
> wrong error message?
> FYI: I’m using the official Windows release:
>     This is fossil version 1.23 [957b17af58] 2012-08-08 11:25:57 UTC
> Thanks for any info, hints or pointers!
> --
> Martijn Coppoolse
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