Hello all,

While I wanted to upgrade to the 1.23 version of fossil,
I've noticed some weird issue on my clone of the fossil repository.
All the link in the embedded documentation seem to be broken.
Instead of keeping the /doc/trunk/www/ prefix in the link, only the
filename is kept.
For example the first link on the home page "distributed version control"
The html for this link is:
">distributed version control</a>

I initially suspected an issue with my browser (firefox 12.0)
but I don't have any issue with the main fossil repository.
And I don't have this issue with another repository which also contains
embedded documentation.
It seems that the issue is only related to this specific repository

I'm started the server from a directory which
contains all my repository with the command:
fossil server . &

I've tried this with a 1.22 and 1..23 version I've built myself with the
same error.

Has anyone an idea on how to investigate on this problem ?

David Bariod
fossil-users mailing list

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