Hi Richard,

thanks for your fast response.

I got that, but then there is something I don't quite understand.

In a normal scenario I would have a development server (call it remote
machine), on which I have one repository for each of the application the
team develops. Each repository have multiple branches like: testing, uat,
development, production etc. So that the development team can work on the
development of the application without touching the production and so on.

Now think at this as a web development team, so we have a web application
which doesn't need to be build or anything like that. The dev team create a
new patch on their local repository and commit it to the remote testing
branch. When they open up the browser to test it out, they won't be able to
do it because the actual file in the remote repository it's the old one.
The dev guy doesn't have the permission to log on the remote machine and
manually run a fossil update, neither I can think of a process on the
remote machine that run the fossil update command every second.

For instance, I have a repository with SVN on the remote machine. I make
some changes on my local repository (after the update done locally to
incorporate changes made by other), and using TortoiseSVN I commit the
changes and solve eventual conflicts with a merge. When this is done, I
open up the web app on the browser and there it is my change.

Am I making any sense ?

thanks :)

On 13 September 2012 13:34, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 8:28 AM, Tommaso D'Argenio <ping...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Problem is that once I go on the server, while the repository file is
>> updated (check date/time above) the actual text file in the development
>> folder
>> is untouched and still the original version when it was created in the
>> first place.
> The development folder on the server is no different from one of the
> development folders on the client.  (Fossil doesn't know that one machine
> is a "client" and another is a "server".  They are all just computers.)  If
> user Alice checks in a change out of her development folder, you wouldn't
> expect user Bob's development folder to be automatically updated, would
> you?  Bob needs to request that update (using "fossil update").  In the
> same way, you need to run "fossil update" on the development folder on the
> server, since that development folder is just another user, as far as
> Fossil is concerned.
> --
> D. Richard Hipp
> d...@sqlite.org
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