On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 03:43:16PM -0400, Kevin Greiner wrote:

> I'm using fossil 1.23 on Windows 7. I'm attempting to store text files
> generated by Microsoft SQL Server 2012 in fossil so I can easily track
> their changes over time.
> The problem is that fossil thinks these generated text files are binary
> data which prevents me from viewing the files via the web ui and generating
> diffs.
> When I look at these files in a hex edtor, I see this: ff fe 53 00 45 00 54
> 00 20 00 41 00. A text editor shows "SET A".
This is a BOM (Byte-Order Mark) [1] followed by five UTF-16-encoded
characters comprising the string "SET A".

> I've looked in the email list archive where DRH specifies that a null
> character or a line longer than 8192 chars. The entire file is 1074 bytes
> so it's not the length. Is fossil reading the 00 bytes as nulls?
> Any idea why fossil thinks these files are binary? And, more importantly,
> what encoding I can specify to prevent this? I've tried various
> permutations of ASCII, UTF8, UTF7 to no effect.
UTF-8 should be fine.  I dunno why fossil would consider an
UTF-8-encoded file as binary for byte sequences representing non-NUL
characters (including BOM) in UTF-8 do not contain zero bytes.

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte_order_mark

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