On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 4:52 PM, Martin Gagnon <eme...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi list,
> One of my repository have a "." character in it name. ( example:
> foo.bar.fossil ).
> I never had any problem with it before I start to use fossil to serve
> a directory containing .fossil files. If I try to access the repo
> using a url like: http://host:8080/foo.bar, It doesn't work.

The code is here:

The base name of the repo may not contain characters other than
alphanumerics, '-', '_', and '/'.  This is for security.  The allowed
character set is conservative, but we'd like to not push the boundary where
it isn't absolutely required.

The solution to your problem is simple:   mv foo.bar.fossil foo_bar.fossil

> It's look like fossil get confuse when it parse the name because of
> the other "." when it try separate the repo name from the ".fossil"
> extension.
> I guess a fix could be trivial but I don't really know where to look
> in the code.
> It could be nice if someone with commit privilege could fix this.
> Thanks,
> Martin G.
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