hi list,

first time around:
I've recently had a first look at fossil. it's mostly working as advertised but communication via ssh won't work. from going through the archives I get the impression that this is a rather long standing problem (~ years...) related to interfering output from the remote shell or "wrong" behaviour of tcsh or what else.

my setting:
I'm running fossil 1.24 on both my labtop (macbook) and the server (recent ubuntu). the server is _only_ accessible via ssh from the outside.

what I tried up to now

-- suppressed the annoying MOTD/login message generated by the server

-- suppressed the "Warning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for X11 forwarding." message by adding the `-x' flag to fossil's ssh-command via `set'(i.e. fsl set ssh-command 'ssh -vvv -x -e none -T': I added `-vvv' to get some debug output from ssh, but omitting -vvv makes no difference)

-- tentatively changed my login shell on the server from `tcsh' to `bash'

when I login to the server (keys are set up so that no password has to be provided) from the command line with `ssh -x' I get a smooth login
to the server -- no questions asked, nothing send to the terminal.

when I try to clone a repository from the server I get what seemingly many have seen before one way or the other:

$ fossil clone ssh://myserver/path_to_repository  clone.fossil

leads to this output:

ssh -vvv -x -e none -T myserver
OpenSSH_5.2p1, OpenSSL 0.9.8r 8 Feb 2011
debug1: Authentication succeeded ...
debug2: shell request accepted on channel 0
fossil: ssh connection failed: []
debug2: channel 0: read<=0 rfd 5 len 0
debug2: channel 0: read failed
debug2: channel 0: close_read
Killed by signal 2.

I could not find _any_ working recipe on the net how to get it going. I would really appreciate if the ssh issue could get addressed by the developers. while I appreciate the "http centric" design of fossil, exclusive communication to secure servers via ssh is quite a general situation. out of the box usability of ssh thus seems to me mandatory for fossil to gain widespread acceptance (just my 2c, of course...)

my specific question: could someone advise how I can make fossil happy with ssh (and me with fossil)?


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