On Sun, 11 Nov 2012 19:35:25 +0100, Matt Welland <estifo...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 2:56 AM, j. van den hoff

On Sun, 11 Nov 2012 10:39:27 +0100, Matt Welland <estifo...@gmail.com>

sshfs is cool but in a corporate environment it can't always be used. For
example fuse is not installed for end users on the servers I have access

I would also be very wary of sshfs and multi-user access. Sqlite3 locking
on NFS doesn't always work well, I imagine that locking issues on sshfs

it doesn't? in which way? and are the mentioned problems restricted to NFS
or other file systems (zfs, qfs, ...) as well?
do you mean that a 'central' repository could be harmed if two users try
to push at the same time (and would corruption propagate to the users'
"local" repositories later on)? I do hope not so...

I should have qualified that with the detail that historically NFS locking has been reported as an issue by others but I myself have not seen it. What I have seen in using sqlite3 and fossil very heavily on NFS is users using kill -9 right off the bat rather than first trying with just kill. The lock
gets stuck "set" and only dumping the sqlite db to text and recreating it
seems to clear the lock (not sure but maybe sometimes copying to a new file
and moving back will clear the lock).

I've seen a corrupted db once or maybe twice but never been clear that it
was caused by concurrent access on NFS or not. Thankfully it is fossil and
recovery is a "cp" away.

Quite some time ago I did limited testing of concurrent access to an
sqlite3 db on AFS and GFS and it seemed to work fine. The AFS test was very
slow but that could well be due to my being clueless on how to correctly
tune AFS itself.

When you say zfs do you mean using the NFS export functionality of zfs?
I've never tested that and it would be very interesting to know how well it

not yet possible here, but we'll probably migrate to zfs in the not too far future.

My personal opinion is that fossil works great over NFS but would caution
anyone trying it to test thoroughly before trusting it.

 could well be worse.

sshfs is an excellent work-around for an expert user but not a replacement
for the feature of ssh transport.

yes I would love to see a stable solution not suffering from interference
of terminal output (there are people out there loving the good old
`fortune' as part of their login script...).

btw: why could fossil not simply(?) filter a reasonable amount of terminal output for the occurrence of a sufficiently strong magic pattern indicating that the "noise" has passed by and fossil can go to work? right now putting `echo " "' (sending a single blank) suffices to let the transfer fail. my
understanding is that fossil _does_ send something like `echo test' (is
this true). all unexpected output to tty from the login scripts would come _before_ that so why not test for receiving the expected text ('test' just
being not unique/strong enough) at the end of whatever is send (up to a
reasonable length)? is this a stupid idea?

I thought of trying that some time ago but never got around to it. Inspired
by your comment I gave a similar approach a quick try and for the first
time I saw ssh work on my home linux box!!!

All I did was read and discard any junk on the line before sending the echo


rm: cannot remove `*': No such file or directory
make: Nothing to be done for `all'.
ssh matt@xena
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
../fossil: ssh connection failed: [Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux
3.2.0-32-generic-pae i686)

 * Documentation:  https://help.ubuntu.com/

0 packages can be updated.
0 updates are security updates.


fossil/junk$ rm *;(cd ..;make) && ../fossil clone
make: Nothing to be done for `all'.
ssh matt@xena
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
                Bytes      Cards  Artifacts     Deltas
Sent:              53          1          0          0
Received:     5004225      13950       1751       5238
Sent:              71          2          0          0
Received:     5032480       9827       1742       3132
Sent:              57         93          0          0
Received:     5012028       9872       1137       3806
Sent:              57          1          0          0
Received:     4388872       3053        360       1168
Total network traffic: 1037 bytes sent, 19438477 bytes received
Rebuilding repository meta-data...
  100.0% complete...
project-id: CE59BB9F186226D80E49D1FA2DB29F935CCA0333
server-id:  3029a8494152737798f2768c7991921f2342a84b
admin-user: matt (password is "7db8e5")

great. that's essentially what I had in mind (but your approach of sending two commands while flushing the first response completely probably is better, AFAICS). will something like this make it into a future release?


On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 2:01 AM, Ramon Ribó <ram...@compassis.com> wrote:

> Sshfs didn't fix the problems that I was having with fossil+ssh, or at
> only did so partially.

Why not? In what sshfs failed to give you the equivalent functionality
than a remote access to a fossil database through ssh?

2012/11/11 Timothy Beyer <bey...@fastmail.net>

 At Sat, 10 Nov 2012 22:31:57 +0100,
j. van den hoff wrote:
> thanks for responding.
> I managed to solve my problem in the meantime (see my previous mail in
> this thread), but I'll make a memo of sshfs and have a look at it.
> joerg

Sshfs didn't fix the problems that I was having with fossil+ssh, or at
least only did so partially.  Though, the problems that I was having
ssh were different.

What I'd recommend doing is tunneling http or https through ssh, and
all of your fossil repositories on the host computer on your web server
choice via cgi.  I do that with lighttpd, and it works flawlessly.

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