On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 6:13 PM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 6:12 PM, j. v. d. hoff <veedeeh...@googlemail.com>
>> mostly I would like to get information here whether there are changes
>> (edits, adds, removals...) or not and what files are not tracked.
>> `hg stat' does provide that. in fossil I have to do `fossil changes' _and_
>> `fossil extras'.
> Maybe we could invent a system whereby a user could create their own fossil
> commands to suite their own tastes?  So you could define a site-specific
> "fossil stat" command that simply runs "changes" and "extras" in succession.
> Would that help?

Mercurial has a couple of such features, and they are useful. The
reason there are a couple (and the reason I bring it up) is that they
learned the hard way that letting users override standard commands
breaks scripts. So either a "script" command (that defines and
executes such scripts), making the above "fossil script stat", or make
sure that builtin commands are checked first, and possibly warn about
defining commands that are shadowed by builtins.

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