On 22 Nov 2012, at 12:30, Richard Hipp wrote:

> The "utime" command for the embedded TH1 scripting language was added after 
> the 1.24 release.  The script used to generate the footer on Fossil itself is 
> non-standard and uses that command, however.  The utime command should not 
> show up in new repositories that you create or in most other repositories.  I 
> added it in order to look for performance regressions.
> Possible solutions:
> (1) Recompile the latest trunk version of Fossil locally.  This is just a 
> matter of doing "./configure; make" and then moving the resulting "fossil" 
> binary onto your PATH.
> (2) Do "fossil ui" and go to Admin/Footer and press the "Revert To Default" 
> button.
> (3) Ignore the error and wait for another official release.

Thank you, I will do (3) then, and just wait for the next release. You are 
right that it only shows in some repositories - I was testing with a copy of 
the fossil one whilst I got the thing working. My own ones don't have the utime 
footer, just the fossil version.


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