On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 5:32 PM, Konstantin Khomoutov
<flatw...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 02:56:09PM -0500, Richard Hipp wrote:
> > > Is this a configuration issue? Or can fossil not handle special
> > > characters in file and folder names?
> >
> > Fossil is suppose to handle non-ASCII characters in filenames correctly.
> > If it does not, that is a bug.  What version of Fossil are you running?
> > Can you send in a detailed bug report with steps to reproduce the issue?
> I'm just handwaving, but Git's code base recently received some
> modifications to specifically deal with issues a native Mac OS X
> filesystem have with regard to UTF-8.  AFAIK the deal was about that
> filesystem pefrorming one of standard UTF-8 normalizations either when
> writing or when reading (or both) so that when you create a directory
> entry and then read it back, you might get an octet string different
> from that you wrote.
> See the extensive commit message in [1] and [2] in general.
> 1.
> https://github.com/git/git/commit/76759c7dff53e8c84e975b88cb8245587c14c7ba
> 2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HFS_Plus
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Checkin [ca728447a6] breaks fossil on WinXP SP3 32 bit compiled under
MINGW32. Lots of compilation warnings but compile creates fossil.exe.
Checkin [3527aa4474] still compiles and runs fine.

Here are some attempts at running the compiled checkin [ca728447a6]
(fo is an alias for fossil).

11:26:07 $ fo
Usage: ????`A?A COMMAND ...
   or: ????`A?A help           -- for a list of common commands
   or: ????`A?A help COMMMAND  -- for help with the named command

11:27:21 $ fossil
Usage: ????`??A COMMAND ...
   or: ????`??A help           -- for a list of common commands
   or: ????`??A help COMMMAND  -- for help with the named command

11:27:29 $ fossil help
??????: ??????: unknown command: ??
??????: use "help" for more information
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