
Thank you. Your timing is funny as I had *just* given up on waiting for help 
and tried again with success this time.

What I did was deleted my whole source/ dir, leaving only my foo.fossil. 
(Luckily I had just done a commit before any of this reorganization stuff) I 
did fossil open foo.fossil in my project/ dir, and it spewed all of my files 
into the dir, as expected.

Then I did mkdir source; mkdir source/code, then added both of those dirs to 

Then I did fossil mv file.h source/code/file.h for all of my files.

THEN I moved the actual files into that dir.

Now everything is happy apparently.

Thanks again for taking the time to write kk.


on Dec 16, 2012, kk <kkinn...@megagate.com> wrote:
>On 12/16/2012 K <k...@lightpowered.org> wrote:
> > I'm new to Fossil SCM, have not used any other SCMs,
> > and am trying to do something relatively complex for
> > me. It involves moving from a model where files are
> > directly added to my repo, rather than being organized
> > in the repo within directories.
> >
> > I had my project organized as:
> >
> > project/
> > * <non versioned project files>
> > * foo.fossil - versioned file repo.
> > * foo.xcodeproj - project configuration in Apple Xcode's format.
> > * sourcecode/ - source code files and check out directory.
> >
> >
> > I want to reorganize, and so I have:
> >
> > * moved (on my file system) foo.xcodeproj into the sourcecode/ dir.
> > * renamed (on my file system) sourcecode/ to source/.
> > * moved (on my file system) source code files from source/ into
> >   source/code/.
> >
> > I also want to change from my check out being in
> > source, to /containing/ source. So in my above file
> > system layout, I want to promote my foo.fossil from
> > project/code, to project/, so when it's checked out it
> > produces a single directory named "source". (As I
> > expand use of Fossil SCM, I'll add other project/dirs)
> >
> > I ran into some problems and would appreciate help.
> >
> >
> > "
> > Last login: Thu Dec 13 23:41:48 on console
> > notebook:~ ktk$ cd source/
> > notebook:source ktk$ ls -l
> > total 0
> > drwxr-xr-x  25 ktk  staff  850 Dec 15 22:37 code
> > drwxr-xr-x   5 ktk  staff  170 Dec 15 22:39 foo.xcodeproj
> > notebook:source ktk$ ls -la
> > total 40
> > drwxr-xr-x   6 ktk  staff    204 Dec 15 22:37 .
> > drwxr-xr-x   6 ktk  staff    204 Dec 15 22:37 ..
> > -rw-r--r--@  1 ktk  staff   6148 Dec 15 22:37 .DS_Store
> > -rw-r--r--   1 ktk  staff  10240 Nov 30 22:31 .fslckout
> > drwxr-xr-x  25 ktk  staff    850 Dec 15 22:37 code
> > drwxr-xr-x   5 ktk  staff    170 Dec 15 22:39 foo.xcodeproj
> > notebook:source ktk$ fossil changes
> > MISSING    foo.c
> > MISSING    foo.h
> > notebook:source ktk$ fossil help mv
> > Usage: fossil mv|rename OLDNAME NEWNAME
> >    or: fossil mv|rename OLDNAME... DIR
> >
> > Move or rename one or more files or directories within the
> >   repository tree.
> > You can either rename a file or directory or move it to
> >   another subdirectory.
> >
> > This command does NOT rename or move the files on disk.  This
> >   command merely
> > records the fact that filenames have changed so that
> >   appropriate notations can be made at the next commit/checkin.
> >
> > See also: changes, status
>You were on the right track, here.  'mv' will tell fossil
>that you have changed the path of an existing file.
> > notebook:source ktk$ fossil help (At this point I was
> > looking to see if I needed to "fossil mkdir code" to
> > "fossil mv foo.h code/")
> > Usage: fossil help COMMAND
> > Common COMMANDs:  (use "fossil help --all" for a complete list)
> > add         clean       gdiff       mv          rm          timeline
> > addremove   clone       help        open        settings    ui
> > all         commit      import      pull        sqlite3     undo
> > annotate    diff        info        push        stash       update
> > bisect      export      init        rebuild     status      version
> > branch      extras      ls          remote-url  sync
> > changes     finfo       merge       revert      tag
> > This is fossil version 1.24 [8d758d3715] 2012-10-22 12:48:04 UTC
> > notebook:source ktk$ fossil help add
> > Usage: fossil add ?OPTIONS? FILE1 ?FILE2 ...?
> >
> > Make arrangements to add one or more files or directories to the
> > current checkout at the next commit.
> >
> > When adding files or directories recursively, filenames that begin
> > with "." are excluded by default.  To include such files, add
> > the "--dotfiles" option to the command-line.
> >
> > The --ignore option is a comma-separate list of glob patterns
> >   for files
> > to be excluded.  Example:  '*.o,*.obj,*.exe'  If the --ignore option
> > does not appear on the command line then the "ignore-glob" setting is
> > used.
> >
> > The --case-sensitive option determines whether or not filenames should
> > be treated case sensitive or not. If the option is not given, the
> >   default
> > depends on the global setting, or the operating system default, if
> >   not set.
> >
> > Options:
> >
> >    --case-sensitive <BOOL> override case-sensitive setting
> >    --dotfiles              include files beginning with a dot (".")
> >    --ignore <CSG>          ignore files matching patterns from the
> >                            comma separated list of glob patterns.
> >
> > See also: addremove, rm
> > notebook:source ktk$ fossil add code
> > ADDED  code/foo.c
> > ADDED  code/foo.h
> > notebook:source ktk$ fossil changes (Thinking at this
> >   point "maybe Fossil can 'see' the missing files now,
> >   and they will be 'FOUND'?)
>Nope.  What 'add' does is add a file to source control.
>As far as fossil is concerned, you added brand new files
>to the checkout.
> > MISSING    foo.c
> > MISSING    foo.h
> > ADDED      code/foo.c
> > ADDED      code/foo.h
> > notebook:source ktk$ fossil mv foo.c code/
> > RENAME foo.c code/foo.c
> > fossil: SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: abort at 38 in [UPDATE vfile SET
> >   pathname='code/foo.c' WHERE pathname='foo.c' AND vid=55]: columns
> >   pathname, vid are not unique
> > fossil: columns pathname, vid are not unique
> > UPDATE vfile SET pathname='code/foo.c' WHERE pathname='foo.c' AND
> >   vid=55
> >
> > If you have recently updated your fossil executable, you might
> > need to run "fossil all rebuild" to bring the repository
> > schemas up to date.
> > notebook:source ktk$
> > "
>This time,  you're asking fossil to update against the
>rules.  You're asking Fossil to move a filename over an
>existing filename IN THE DATABASE.
>Remember that Fossil isn't usually 'doing things' to the
>files on the disk, other than recording their content.
>Most of the things it does are database operations--to
>maintain a history of source files (and let you go back
>in time if necessary)--and to let you collaborate without
>getting bollixed by multiple people changing things.
>If you haven't done a commit yet, you can just back out
>your changes and then use the fossil 'mv' command to
>change the recorded locations of the files you physically
>moved.  I wouldn't recommend doing a 'fossil rm' on the
>original locations, because it will lose history.
>If you *have* done a commit, it will take a few more
>steps to get where you want to be.
> >
> >
> > Thank you for any help.
> >
> > ^K
> >
> >
>--kkinnellOn 12/16/2012 K <k...@lightpowered.org> wrote:
>I'm new to Fossil SCM, have not used any other SCMs, and am trying to do 
>something relatively complex for me. It involves moving from a model 
>where files are directly added to my repo, rather than being organized 
>in the repo within directories.
>I had my project organized as:
>* <non versioned project files>
>* foo.fossil - versioned file repo.
>* foo.xcodeproj - project configuration in Apple Xcode's format.
>* sourcecode/ - source code files and check out directory.
>I want to reorganize, and so I have:
>* moved (on my file system) foo.xcodeproj into the sourcecode/ dir.
>* renamed (on my file system) sourcecode/ to source/.
>* moved (on my file system) source code files from source/ into 
>I also want to change from my check out being in source, to /containing/ 
>source. So in my above file system layout, I want to promote my 
>foo.fossil from project/code, to project/, so when it's checked out it 
>produces a single directory named "source". (As I expand use of Fossil 
>SCM, I'll add other project/dirs)
>I ran into some problems and would appreciate help.
>Last login: Thu Dec 13 23:41:48 on console
>notebook:~ ktk$ cd source/
>notebook:source ktk$ ls -l
>total 0
>drwxr-xr-x  25 ktk  staff  850 Dec 15 22:37 code
>drwxr-xr-x   5 ktk  staff  170 Dec 15 22:39 foo.xcodeproj
>notebook:source ktk$ ls -la
>total 40
>drwxr-xr-x   6 ktk  staff    204 Dec 15 22:37 .
>drwxr-xr-x   6 ktk  staff    204 Dec 15 22:37 ..
>-rw-r--r--@  1 ktk  staff   6148 Dec 15 22:37 .DS_Store
>-rw-r--r--   1 ktk  staff  10240 Nov 30 22:31 .fslckout
>drwxr-xr-x  25 ktk  staff    850 Dec 15 22:37 code
>drwxr-xr-x   5 ktk  staff    170 Dec 15 22:39 foo.xcodeproj
>notebook:source ktk$ fossil changes
>MISSING    foo.c
>MISSING    foo.h
>notebook:source ktk$ fossil help mv
>Usage: fossil mv|rename OLDNAME NEWNAME
>    or: fossil mv|rename OLDNAME... DIR
>Move or rename one or more files or directories within the repository tree.
>You can either rename a file or directory or move it to another 
>This command does NOT rename or move the files on disk.  This command merely
>records the fact that filenames have changed so that appropriate notations
>can be made at the next commit/checkin.
>See also: changes, status
>notebook:source ktk$ fossil help (At this point I was looking to see if 
>I needed to "fossil mkdir code" to "fossil mv foo.h code/")
>Usage: fossil help COMMAND
>Common COMMANDs:  (use "fossil help --all" for a complete list)
>add         clean       gdiff       mv          rm          timeline
>addremove   clone       help        open        settings    ui
>all         commit      import      pull        sqlite3     undo
>annotate    diff        info        push        stash       update
>bisect      export      init        rebuild     status      version
>branch      extras      ls          remote-url  sync
>changes     finfo       merge       revert      tag
>This is fossil version 1.24 [8d758d3715] 2012-10-22 12:48:04 UTC
>notebook:source ktk$ fossil help add
>Usage: fossil add ?OPTIONS? FILE1 ?FILE2 ...?
>Make arrangements to add one or more files or directories to the
>current checkout at the next commit.
>When adding files or directories recursively, filenames that begin
>with "." are excluded by default.  To include such files, add
>the "--dotfiles" option to the command-line.
>The --ignore option is a comma-separate list of glob patterns for files
>to be excluded.  Example:  '*.o,*.obj,*.exe'  If the --ignore option
>does not appear on the command line then the "ignore-glob" setting is
>The --case-sensitive option determines whether or not filenames should
>be treated case sensitive or not. If the option is not given, the default
>depends on the global setting, or the operating system default, if not set.
>    --case-sensitive <BOOL> override case-sensitive setting
>    --dotfiles              include files beginning with a dot (".")
>    --ignore <CSG>          ignore files matching patterns from the
>                            comma separated list of glob patterns.
>See also: addremove, rm
>notebook:source ktk$ fossil add code
>ADDED  code/foo.c
>ADDED  code/foo.h
>notebook:source ktk$ fossil changes (Thinking at this point "maybe 
>Fossil can 'see' the missing files now, and they will be 'FOUND'?)
>MISSING    foo.c
>MISSING    foo.h
>ADDED      code/foo.c
>ADDED      code/foo.h
>notebook:source ktk$ fossil mv foo.c code/
>RENAME foo.c code/foo.c
>fossil: SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: abort at 38 in [UPDATE vfile SET 
>pathname='code/foo.c' WHERE pathname='foo.c' AND vid=55]: columns 
>pathname, vid are not unique
>fossil: columns pathname, vid are not unique
>UPDATE vfile SET pathname='code/foo.c' WHERE pathname='foo.c' AND vid=55
>If you have recently updated your fossil executable, you might
>need to run "fossil all rebuild" to bring the repository
>schemas up to date.
>notebook:source ktk$
>Thank you for any help.
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