On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 5:36 AM, Stefan Bellon <sbel...@sbellon.de> wrote:

> Hi all,
> is it possible in Fossil to configure read/write, read-only or
> no-access for users and/or groups on a per-directory or per-branch level
> like it is possible with e.g. Subversion with its "authz" file?

When somebody clones the repository,and has a local copy of the repository,
then they can do anything they want with that local copy since it is a file
they own.  Permissions only come into plan when dealing with a remote

If somebody has "push" permission, then they can effectively change
anything they want since they were previously able to change anything they
wanted on their local repository and a "push" involves transferring all new
content from the local repository to the remote repository, without
examining that content.  The server does track which artifacts are received
during each push, with the timestamp of the push, the user ID of the login
that did the push, and the IP address on the other end of the push.  In
this way, users who break any rules can be tracked down and dealt with
through human channels.  Any malicious changes can be shunned, so the
changes can be undone. There is nothing you can do to restrict which files
are changed during a push.  The idea is that you trust your developers.

For servers, on the /Admin/Access setup page, there is an entry field named
"Public Pages".  That field (which is normally blank) can be set to a
comma-separated list of GLOB patterns for URLs that unprivileged users are
allowed to read even if they would normally not have read permission.  The
"Public Pages" glob list is used, for example, to allow unprivileged users
to read a few specific documentation or wiki pages without being able to
view private source code or sensitive wiki pages.

> Greetings,
> Stefan
> --
> Stefan Bellon
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