On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 10:49 PM, Michael Richter <ttmrich...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm pretty sure that "rebase" or its equivalents will never be a part of
> Fossil.  Given that there are tools out there (like Git) that feature this
> functionality that some (and I stress it's only some) users want, perhaps
> this following question is to practical but … why not use Git, the tool that
> has the feature you want?  This arguing over whether rebase is good or bad
> and whether you're a good or bad person for wanting it is futile.  I'm
> pretty damned sure that it's not going to ever be added (given Richard
> Hipp's philosophical stance on rewriting repository history).

What is it about rebase that causes so many to miss the idea of a
rebase that is NOT destructive because it creates a new branch instead
of doing a destructive change to an existing branch?

I shall wait for D. Richard Hipp's word as to any kind of rebase never
making it into Fossil.

> TL;DR version: stop whining and use Git if you want Git.

You fail reading comprehension.

I do use git, nearly exclusively.  And I use rebase.  And I use it in
a way that is non-destructive (because I always rebase fresh branches
that are copies of the ones I want to rebase).

I happen to think that Fossil has a superior architecture and design.
I'd like to use Fossil, but I can't, and I've explained why.  I've
also explained why I'm unlikely to be the only user who needs this one

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