On 31 December 2012 17:27, Edward Berner <e...@bernerfam.com> wrote:

> Waitwhat?  My version of Fossil ("This is fossil version 1.25 [558a17a686]
>> 2012-12-22 13:48:31 UTC") doesn't show anything about "project-id" for
>> fossil new/clone.
> What do you get when you create a test repository?  It should, I think,
> display the project-id, etc., after creating the repository. eg:
> $ ./fossil new test.fossil
> project-id: 2d7cade36dce2af94df648e178d588**e5a3b00a14
> server-id:  af94c0a2462bc18103a19c20fd0b39**18c3f9a2a3
> admin-user: erb (initial password is "811b05")

Ah.  I misunderstood.  I thought you meant there was a command line option
related to the project ID.

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