On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 9:41 PM, Mike Meyer <m...@mired.org> wrote:
> Nico Williams <n...@cryptonector.com> wrote:
>>Go back through those 30 posts you mentioned.  Go back to the very
>>first one from me.  I tried to be concise and wrote just three
>>paragraphs that, IMO, captured what was needed.  I certainly did not
>>say "I want git rebase in fossil" and then watched the fireworks --
>>no, I explained *concisely* (or at least that was my aim).
> No, you said "I want something slightly different than git rebase in fossil." 
> Concise? Yes. Precise? No. Well-defined? No. Useful? No.

I unsubscribed.  I resubscribed to answer Joerg's very useful comment,
and to address your insinuation that I've been trolling:

>>If I had written a ten-page post explaining in excruciating detail
> That depends on the goal. If you want to troll the list, then arguing for 
> rebase is a good choice. If you want fossil to incorporate a solution for 
> your problem, you should provide the information people are asking for. Given 
> how poorly your attempt to work with the comunity has gone, giving up now 
> isn't an unreasonable option. On the other hand, if you want to be able to 
> use fossil, and are willing to work with us to solve your problem instead of 
> arguing about what "rebase" does, you can start by answering our questions.

I was going to let you have the last word, and, indeed, I will since I
will re-unsubscribe shortly.  But I feel I must at least address this
insinuation that I was trolling.  I think any reasonable human being
reviewing this thread will conclude that I've been sincere.  I've
explained in detail, and I've answered the questions that have been
raised, such as here:


and here:


I think those two posts in particular are quite detailed and informative.

Nor did I know that bringing up rebase would arouse fury.  I knew it
was controversial, but not that it was anathema, and I thought I could
make an argument for a variant of rebase that should fit within the
fossil philosophy (and I still think so; e pur si muove).  Thus my
wading in here could not be considered trolling.  If I were to not
give up I might be trolling, but trust me, I give up (unless we hear
from the project's principals anything supportive, or if they ask
questions that I should answer).  Trust me, I feel awful about filling
unknown subscribers inboxes with my responses on this thread, and the
responses those have elicited.

I have found your responses to me to be hostile, and downright silly.
I've also briefly reviewed the rm/mv thread and I find similar
silliness there by various members of the community.  I am frustrated,
and I acknowledge that I've am having trouble hiding my frustration.
But I do think that you have shown an utter lack of hospitality and
open-mindedness.  This is why I will now abandon Fossil, even though
there are many ways in which I think Fossil is superior to the
competition -- your hostility turns me off.

> For instance, you haven't answered any of my questions. You've explained in 
> detail what rebase does, but that's irrelevant, because rebase is only an 
> approximation to what you want, and you haven't explained how what you want 
> is different in sufficient detail for us to figure out what that is. You 
> haven't shown us why the existing solutions are "to much work". You haven't 
> said what kind of interface you want (otherr than "interactive rebase", and 
> you haven't said what that interface looks like!). You  may think you have, 
> but your opinion here doesn't matter: if we don't have a clear understanding 
> of what you want, we don't have it, and the onus is on you to provide it. The 
> best way to do that is by answering our questions.

These two posts:


answer your questions and explain in detail what I need to be able to
do and why.  Perhaps you missed them.  You did respond once with this:


but you failed at reading comprehension, and by then I was ready to
give up.  But let me answer the one question you raise there:

| I thought I did, but then you said "rebase works on one branch."
| Except...
| >So, if we have a branch called "trunk" with this history:
| >A---B---C---D
| >and a branch called "new-feature" with these commits
| Uh, that's *two* branches! What happened to rebase working on one branch?

*git* rebase destructively affects ONE branch by making that one
branch name point to a new line of commits that are not fast-forwards
from the previous commit pointed to by that branch name.  The rebase
operation does additionally involve (read-only) an old base and new
base commits.  So, yes, rebase "works on" one branch.

Rebase as a general concept works with: a) a line of commits (a
branch), b) an old base of those commits (i.e., the parent of the
oldest of the commits that will be rebased), c) a new base for the new
commits.  I did explain this.  You simply failed to read or
comprehend.  I can't explain why, except that I suspect that your
utter hostility blinded you to my explanation.

> "rebase" is just a name. Forget it. Quit trying to convince us that "rebase" 
> is compatible with fossil. Show us that *what you want* is compatible with 
> fossil. Of course, that has to start with a *precise* description of what you 
> want, in fossil terms, not in git terms. Give us an *example*. Simplify it as 
> much as you can, but leave in all the features you want. Show us how you'd do 
> it with fossil now. Show us the commands you would like to have (and call 
> them TBD or some such), and how we would use them.

Here you show your closed-mindedness: "Quit trying to convince us".
Got it.  You then immediately contradict yourself: "Show us that *what
you want* is compatible with fossil".  You also ask for precision,
examples, but... simplification -- which is it? precision, or
simplification?  It may be a fault of mine, but I don't know how to do
both.  I did provide simplified examples in two posts linked above...
And you say I should call some imaginary fossil command "TBD"
because... you can't handle the word "rebase", I guess?  If I post
examples of what I want the behavior of a new fossil command to be,
and I name that command "rebase", will you read them? or will you yell
at me?

And FYI, I did convince  Michael Richter that rebase for private
branches fits within the fossil philosophy here:


as I pointed out here:


Though I suppose he might now claim that I didn't quite convince him.
But at least he has been open-minded enough to have a debate with me,
to ask follow-up questions -- I very much appreciate his efforts.  You
are just openly hostile.

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