On Wed, 09 Jan 2013 12:10:35 +0100
Gilles <gilles.gana...@free.fr> wrote:

> Am I correct in understanding that this is the right way to proceed to
> try some new code, and either save it (whether it works or not, just
> as a track-record) or discard it?
> To try some new code:
> 1. Commit current code
> 2. Try new code
> 3.
> a. if OK, commit new code : fossil commit -m "New stuff"
> b. if NOK and don't care to save it, just go back to previous code:
> fossil revert myfile.c
> c. if NOK but want to keep track of attempt, commit and go back to n-1
> :
> fossil commit -m "Failed attempt"
> fossil finfo myfile.c : write down UUID (first hash) of n-1 revision
> fossil revert -r UUID myfile.c

AFAIK, the paradigm to handle "messed up" commits in Fossil is to move
them to a special branch, say, named "mistake".  You do this from the
web interface.  So basically you can do a series of commits and then
decide that idea was a dead-end.  So you can go to the first commit of
that dead-end leaf and change its branch to, say, "dead-end".
You then can `fossil up` to the commit preceding the first commit in
the dead-end leaf and start hacking away a new line of history.
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