----- Forwarded message from John Griessen <j...@industromatic.com> -----

From: John Griessen <j...@industromatic.com>
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 11:39:18 -0600
To: openmanufactur...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [Open Manufacturing] Fwd: [thingiverse] developing an alternative 
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On 01/15/2013 12:56 PM, Andrew Mazzotta wrote:
> If 3dhacker.com <http://3dhacker.com> could support it I would love to add 
> this feature to the siite. I'm looking to make
> 3dhacker.com <http://3dhacker.com> into a free/cheapest all-in-one place for 
> 3d printing.
> @Bryan, I have a domain name "downloadhardware.com 
> <http://downloadhardware.com>" which I registered since hearing one of your
> YouTube presentations. Could be a great name for this idea.

I was just looking at the question, "What could I use that is like github for 
dealing with
private developments the same way I store public projects in a version control 
system?", and
found fossil.  Fossil is a VCS, web server, gui-interface to VCS, ticket system,
collaboration wiki in an easy to compile
single executable.  License is BSD style so you can include it in whatever open 
or closed code.
Easy install on windows Mac linux BSD from up to date executables at the 
developer site.

Features I like are:
"To associate a commit and a ticket you can simply put the ID of the ticket in 
the commit message.
You can associate the check-in with the ticket in the same way.
In the UI they will appear as click-able links, and will have a strike through 
them when the status is Closed."

import export to git so you can collab with other styles.

Uses atomic actions when writing a commit, so it cannot get garbled.

No concept of rebase, (rewrite history), history is all there.
Hipp calls it an enduring file format: "A fossil repository is intended to 
be readable, searchable, and extensible by people not yet born."

"manual-merge" mode (like git, mercurial) or "autosync" mode (always updating a 
central server)

"Fossil allows private branches, but its default mode is to share 
everything. And so in a Fossil project, all repositories tend to contain 
all of the content at all times. This is analogous to replication in a 
distributed database."

Here are points I think are important from this review of someone using it a 

(win/mac/a number of linux distros), the single-executable installation is 
just as beautiful as it sounds. No dependencies; it just works.    
extremely robust, even on large projects.

very, very happy with performance. Not as fast as git on huge trees, but 
not much slower either.  I make up any lost time by not having to consult 
the documentation every other command, as is the case with git.

The fact that there's a tried'n'true transactional database behind every 
operation makes me sleep better at night. Yes, we've been through more than 
one horrible incident of stale and corrupt Subversion repositories 
(thankfully, a helpful community helped us fix them.) I can't imagine that 
happening in Fossil. Even Subversion 1.7.x use Sqlite now for metadata 
storage. (Try turning off power in the midst of a git commit - it'll leave 
a corrupt repos!)

The built-in server and web gui is simply brilliant and quite configurable 
through css.

Fewer merge options than in git (though the Fossil workflow makes merging less 
likely to occur in the first place.)
Some cons:
It does not have all the pointers to forks like github has.

So this seems like something to try for a community not centered on code, but 
on hardware, since
that is a more inclusive group and so more likely to use windows/mac/linux/bsd 
mix with
a lot of windows users who don't love command line cryptic ways like git uses.

I like the way you have all the features of a central server when working on a 
local checkout,
and its all easy install so any collaborators have the same features available 
with small learning curve.

With fossil as the repository part, matching thingiverse features might be just 
adding 3D viewers
to the built in wiki...

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