On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 6:53 PM, C. Thomas Stover <c...@thomasstover.com>wrote:

> both images and text can be stored, the scanner software/firmware will
> OCR what it can and then mix that with little cropped images. This of
> course leads to the "your mileage may very" file sizes.

FWIW: if the documents are having to be archived "for legal reasons" then
the OCR versions are essentially only useful for convenience in searching,
and not for legal purposes. Because OCR is an imperfect conversion, and a
particularly bad conversion can literally change the semantics of the text,
the OCR version of a document is certainly not as legally valid as the
original. i.e. the originals will need to be archived alongside any OCR'd

----- stephan beal
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