$ fossil update ba86c859df
checkout:     ba86c859dff83e89640091ea18dec5571630af2a 2013-01-31 18:12:54 UTC
tags:         trunk
comment:      Added an "extern" to work around a duplicate-definition linking
              error with the tcc compiler. (user: stephan)
changes:      None. Already up-to-date
$ fossil set manifest on
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc \
--with-openssl=auto \
--json \
$ make

## all compiles correctly, but next is a new issue:

$ ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc \
--with-openssl=none \
--static \
--json \
$ make 
## ...
-Dlocaltime=fossil_localtime -DSQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE=0 -c ./src/sqlite3.c 
-o bld/sqlite3.o
-I. -I./src -Ibld -Dmain=sqlite3_shell -DSQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION=1 -c 
./src/shell.c -o bld/shell.o
-I. -I./src -Ibld -c ./src/th.c -o bld/th.o
-I. -I./src -Ibld -c ./src/th_lang.c -o bld/th_lang.o
-I. -I./src -Ibld -c ./src/cson_amalgamation.c -o bld/cson_amalgamation.o
fossil bld/add.o bld/allrepo.o bld/attach.o bld/bag.o bld/bisect.o bld/blob.o 
bld/branch.o bld/browse.o bld/captcha.o bld/cgi.o bld/checkin.o bld/checkout.o 
bld/clearsign.o bld/clone.o bld/comformat.o bld/configure.o bld/content.o 
bld/db.o bld/delta.o bld/deltacmd.o bld/descendants.o bld/diff.o bld/diffcmd.o 
bld/doc.o bld/encode.o bld/event.o bld/export.o bld/file.o bld/finfo.o 
bld/glob.o bld/graph.o bld/gzip.o bld/http.o bld/http_socket.o bld/http_ssl.o 
bld/http_transport.o bld/import.o bld/info.o bld/json.o bld/json_artifact.o 
bld/json_branch.o bld/json_config.o bld/json_diff.o bld/json_dir.o 
bld/json_finfo.o bld/json_login.o bld/json_query.o bld/json_report.o 
bld/json_tag.o bld/json_timeline.o bld/json_user.o bld/json_wiki.o bld/leaf.o 
bld/login.o bld/main.o bld/manifest.o bld/markdown.o bld/markdown_html.o 
bld/md5.o bld/merge.o bld/merge3.o bld/moderate.o bld/name.o
 bld/path.o bld/pivot.o bld/popen.o bld/pqueue.o bld/printf.o bld/rebuild.o 
bld/regexp.o bld/report.o bld/rss.o bld/schema.o bld/search.o bld/setup.o 
bld/sha1.o bld/shun.o bld/skins.o bld/sqlcmd.o bld/stash.o bld/stat.o 
bld/style.o bld/sync.o bld/tag.o bld/tar.o bld/th_main.o bld/timeline.o 
bld/tkt.o bld/tktsetup.o bld/undo.o bld/unicode.o bld/update.o bld/url.o 
bld/user.o bld/utf8.o bld/verify.o bld/vfile.o bld/wiki.o bld/wikiformat.o 
bld/winhttp.o bld/wysiwyg.o bld/xfer.o bld/xfersetup.o bld/zip.o bld/sqlite3.o  
bld/shell.o  bld/th.o  bld/th_lang.o    bld/cson_amalgamation.o -static -lz -ldl
bld/shell.o: In function `find_home_dir':
./src/shell.c:2739: warning: Using 'getpwuid' in statically linked applications 
requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking
bld/http_socket.o: In function `socket_open':
./src/http_socket.c:148: warning: Using 'gethostbyname' in statically linked 
applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version 
used for linking

Best Regards


Stephan Beal wrote:

I've downloaded today's timeline trunk:
>...$ fossil open fossil.fossil
>$ fossil update
>Autosync:  http://www2.fossil-scm.org/
>Segmentation faultrtifacts sent: 0  received: 0

Can you give us more info on that, e.g. the version hash and perhaps a 
stacktrace? i've been using several builds from today, built with both tcc and 
gcc, on i386 and x64 platforms with no such problems (also updating from the 
same source as you).
make: *** No rule to make target `src/../manifest.uuid', needed by 
`bld/VERSION.h'.  Stop.

That one i haven't seen in such a long time that i don't recall what caused it 
nor how to fix it :/.
If someone could explain me it would be great.

The following is from a very old post by Joe Mistachkin:
A temporary workaround for this issue is to clone (or update) the Fossil
source code and update to the release tag:

        fossil update release

Then, while still in the Fossil source code directory, run:

        fossil set manifest on

This should give you the correct "manifest" and "manifest.uuid" files
needed to build the source code.

I've seen these issues yesterday, however I decided to wait today for another 
more recent source.

That one with manifest.uuid has come up several times before, but i thought it 
had long since been solved. i unfortunately don't remember what causes it, 
though. Ooops... but now i've got my tree in that same state (and, even worse, 
my only fossil binary is (was) the one from that tree, so i've got a 
chicken/egg problem here).
----- stephan beal
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