Jan Nijtmans wrote:
Jeff, this is a very useful recipe that should be documented in
the fossil documentation somewhere!

Tried it, and only found one obvious minor typo:
 >ssh -t myproject,myu...@shell.sourceforge.net
This should be:
 >ssh -t myuser,myproj...@shell.sourceforge.net

Argh, I'm always making that mistake. I have aliases I usually use for this, so I misremembered the longhand way.

A new "fosclipse" project is registered now, the related
chiselapp repositories moved there and all other steps
followed. So, I would expect the following url to lead to
the core repository:
I tried all kinds of variations for this URL as well,
but I don't see anything. Any ideas how I can debug
that? What did I do wrong?

It depends on the files you created of course, but if you created the repository as /home/project-web/fosclipse/repos/fosclipse-core.fsl and the cgi script as /home/project-web/fosclipse/cgi-bin/fosclipse-core.fsl
then your url would be

The "projects/fosclipse" part of the path is only when you're looking at sourceforge's own app (i.e., http://sourceforge.net/) - my recipe only works on the project web ( http://fosclipse.sourceforge.net/ )

It's also perhaps confusing that my recipe includes two very different files both named "myproject.fsl" - the actual repository AND the cgi wrapper. It's also unnecessary to have them both named the same, and the setup differs from the fossil docs (which I should have checked first).

In any case, the first task for debugging is getting the cgi to run in the first place. What did you name the wrapper script under your cgi-bin directory?

Once you're successfully hitting that, you should get some more informative errors from fossil about why it can't find your repository.


         Jan Nijtmans

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