On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 7:27 AM, Ron Aaron <r...@ronware.org> wrote:

>    1. Trying to execute a cross-domain request from my app (I suppose I
>    have to tell the web-server, not fossil, that I want to allow that) and
i haven't yet successfully accomplished that, but that's out of ignorance
of the details as opposed to it being technically impossible.

> Ideally, a JSON interface would look something like:
> ... /json/tktnew
> where the data payload would be something like:
> {
>     "title" :  "Your app stinks",
>     "type" :  "Code_Defect",
>     "severity" : "Critical",
>     "private_contact" : "get_r...@gmail.com" <get_r...@gmail.com>,
>     "comment" : " blah, blah ..."
> }
The catch with that is, that the fields are, by and large, customizable on
the server side. This is taken from the main fossil repo's config:

  -- Do not change any column that begins with tkt_
  tkt_uuid TEXT UNIQUE,
  tkt_mtime DATE,
  -- Add as many field as required below this line
  type TEXT,
  status TEXT,
  subsystem TEXT,
  priority TEXT,
  severity TEXT,
  foundin TEXT,
  private_contact TEXT,
  resolution TEXT,
  title TEXT,
  comment TEXT

So... basically everything but the internal IDs and modification time are
"fluid." The server side would need to be prepared to individually check
every field provided to it and ensure that the DB has that field. That's
not technically hard to do, but it would be tedious to implement and
probably tedious to use (because error checking would need to be more

>  I'm alternately fascinated and repelled by trying to get a Javascript
> "cross-platform" application working ...

LOL! For HTML-based apps it's not normally all that hard anymore - gross
compatibility problems between the modern JS engines have become the
exception, not the rule (the situation was the other way around 10 years
ago). For non-HTML apps which themselves embed a JS engine (Google v8.
Mozilla Rhino, etc.) there are other problems, e.g. the JS engine probably
doesn't have any networking support built in or does not have a full
DOM-like environment, so one normally has a lot more work to do.

----- stephan beal
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