On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 7:21 PM, Will Parsons <varro@nodomain.invalid> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've set up (on FreeBSD) a fossil server using the inetd method.  When
> looking at the timeline display I see the times displayed in UTC, and
> since I'd rather see local time, I tried to fix this using Timeline
> Display Preferences.  However the "Use UTC" box is not checked, and in
> fact there is the text "On this server, local time is currently the
> same as UTC and so this setting will make no difference in the
> display."
> On the command line:
> anukis% date
> Wed May  1 19:19:31 EDT 2013
> anukis% date -u
> Wed May  1 23:19:33 UTC 2013
> How does the server see local time?

See the following link for why this happens and how to fix it:


- Max
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