On 5/28/13 3:08 PM, Richard Hipp wrote:
> Survey:  How many people know that in the web-based timeline for Fossil,
> you can click on any two nodes in the graph and get a diff between those
> two nodes?

   I knew about it. When I read the first paragraph I was afraid you
were about to suggest removing the feature for some reason, which would
have made me very unhappy since I use the feature frequently (one of
those "can't live without it" features).

> I think this is a very useful feature.  But I'm guessing that not many
> people know it exists.  Please confirm or refute my guess.
> And assuming I'm guessing correctly, do you have any suggestions on how I
> can get the word out about this and other useful but obscure features of
> Fossil?

   Perhaps an "Introduction to Fossil" document -- complete with
pictures illustrating how to use it?

   Have you seen The NetBSD Guide? Those types of documents are
invaluable to get to know systems, imho. Fossil wouldn't need one quite
that big, but a guide with topic along the line of "Branching",
"Merging", "Using the timeline", etc chapters would be helpful to get
people started with fossil and learn about useful features.

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