I would agree here, it's not at all clear.  Even when you know there is a
--user option, then the fossil output isn't clear:

steves@sapphire ~> f ls
fossil: current directory is not within an open checkout

# OK

steves@sapphire ~> f --user foo
fossil: fossil: unknown command: --user
fossil: use "help" for more information

# So the first argument must be the command?

steves@sapphire ~> f --user foo ls
fossil: current directory is not within an open checkout

# No, it accepts user, maybe it accepts anything..

steves@sapphire ~> f --bar foo ls
fossil: fossil: unknown command: --bar
fossil: use "help" for more information

# No, ok, so let's see the help:

steves@sapphire ~> f --help
Usage: fossil help COMMAND
Common COMMANDs:  (use "fossil help --all" for a complete list)
add         changes     finfo       merge       revert      tag
addremove   clean       gdiff       mv          rm          timeline
all         clone       help        open        settings    ui
annotate    commit      import      pull        sqlite3     undo
bisect      diff        info        push        stash       update
branch      export      init        rebuild     status      version
cat         extras      ls          remote-url  sync
This is fossil version 1.25 [d2e07756d9] 2013-02-16 00:04:35 UTC

No mention.. what about fossil help user .. no, that's something else..

The same thing happens with -R, I believe



On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 1:27 PM, j. van den hoff

> On Thu, 08 Aug 2013 14:03:42 +0200, Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com>
> wrote:
>  On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 1:38 PM, j. van den hoff
>> <veedeeh...@googlemail.com>**wrote:
>>  question: should there not be a help page for fossil itself, maybe
>>> (`fossil help fossil') which explains this sort of things?
>> Is this perhaps what you're looking for:
>> [stephan@host:~]$ f help help
>> Usage: f help COMMAND
>>    or: f COMMAND -help
>> Display information on how to use COMMAND.  To display a list of
>> available commands one of:
>>    f help              Show common commands
>>    f help --a|-all     Show both common and auxiliary commands
>>    f help --t|-test    Show test commands only
>>    f help --x|-aux     Show auxiliary commands only
>>    f help --w|-www     Show list of WWW pages
>> ?
> no: `fossil --user joedoe ci' has the form
> fossil fossil_option COMMAND COMMAND_option
> so the possibility of having a option for fossil itself is not explained
> in the help. or what am I missing? what I mean is, in my understanding the
> terminology is COMMAND is one of the keywords (without leading dashes)
> displayed by `fossil help -a' while `--user' is not a COMMAND but rather an
> option (but not of one of the COMMANDS but of `fossil' itself.
> --
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