On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 11:23 PM, Themba Fletcher
<themba.fletc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I recently got a contract to rewrite a large (web) application. The
> intent is to transition, at a measured pace, from a large collection
> of hand-written, framework-free php files to a structured setup with a
> nice MVC framework, etc.
> So far so good. I've got all the original source in a fossil repo and
> it has a pretty rich history as I've been maintaining this system for
> the last year or so.
> Moving this to the framework I've chosen will involve, up front,
> moving every single one of the exisiting source files to a new
> location deeper in the project hierarchy. The files will then be
> slowly replaced as their functionality is added to the new system in
> the appropriate place.
> I'd love to be able to do this project with hotfixes continuing on
> trunk as the deployed version evolves and having all of the
> restructuring take place on a super massive "v2" branch, but I'm
> anticipating a few problems:
> * Merging updates from trunk to v2 -- cherrypick isn't going to work
> very well when the names don't match anymore, is it?
> * What should I expect after I've deleted a file on v2 (having
> replaced its functionality) and then merge back some updates from
> trunk containing a change to that file? Just a plain old merge
> conflict or should I expect and watch for the file to reappear on the
> branch after being previously deleted?
> * Anything else you can foresee?

Why cherrypick?  The simplest workflow here is, as you mention, develop
new stuff in a v2 branch and fix bugs in trunk.  The key secret here is
the mantra: merge soon, merge often.

I must admint that I haven't used Fossil long enough but what I would
expect from Fossil is to give me a hard time the first time I merge from
v2 to trunk, and straightforward merges the following times.  Take the
following example:

            A           B
trunk  --o--o---o-------o
             \           \
v2  ---o---o--o--o--o--o--o---o--o--o--o
           C  D        E  F

Assume that D is the first merge and is the hell of a merge.  The next
merge (which joins B and E) will have A as the common ancestor.  So,
unless you hit a bug in Fossil, merge F is only about incorporating the
changes between A and B into the v2 branch.  Merge F then makes B the
common ancestor for the next merge.

The advantage here is that, when v2 is ready for primetime, you just
have to merge v2 into trunk and it should be a trivial merge too.

In short, just follow these rules:

 - Don't cherrypick.

 - Always merge trunk into v2.  That is: checkout v2 and, from there,
   merge trunk.  This way the merge is committed as part of the v2
   branch.  When v2 is finished, proceed inversely.

 - Don't let the trunk with a leaf for too long.  Remember: merge soon,
   merge often.  The v2 branch should host most of the development
   activity, so merges will not be so abundant.

 - Personal advice, use a graphical merge tool (e.g. kdiff3).  Fossil
   can be configured to resolve conflicts with them; otherwise, I
   wouldn't even be writing this.

> Has anyone out there tried a complete project restructuring on a
> branch with any success, or is the default workflow to just spin up
> another repo and synchronize changes by hand? Any other thoughts or
> input?

I have successfully performed some heavy refactorings with this workflow
a couple of times now, but with Mercurial.  As I said, I would expect
Fossil to work the same in this workflow because it is a very simple
one: no criss-cross merges, no cherrypicking and the resulting history
is beautifully clean.

I hope it helps.  Best regards.

Isaac Jurado

"The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding"
Leonardo da Vinci
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