On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 02:34:55AM +0200, Jan Danielsson wrote:
> On 8/11/13 2:07 AM, Chad Perrin wrote:
> > So . . . let's say I have a server (running FreeBSD, and I'll probably
> > be setting this up in a jail) and a router that can forward ports
> > (already has SSH forwarded to this server).  For argument's sake, let's
> > say we're confined to only one port per protocol.  What's the quick/easy
> > way to get Fossil set up so a small team can push/pull/sync multiple
> > Fossil repositories on the server without having shell accounts?  The
> > connection should be encrypted so that nobody can sniff usernames and
> > passwords when people are syncing, the users should preferably all be
> > using different credentials (not the same username/password combination,
> > in other words), and I should not have to pay any money to any third
> > parties (ISPs, certifying authorities, et cetera) as part of this.
>    I have been using a combination of self-signed certificates, apache
> and fossil for a long time and have been very happy with it. (Apache is
> configured to only allow connections with full certificate chain
> verification).
>    apache is configured to set REMOTE_USER to the CN-field of the
> certificate's subject, and the fossil repository is configured to get
> username from REMOTE_USER. So the only thing the users need to do is to
> place the CA, their certificate and key in a Good Place, and then set up
> fossil to use them. If the users will be accessing the web ui via a
> web-browser they will need to make the appropriate configurations to
> their web browsers as well.
>    The users don't have to enter a password other than to unlock their
> local private key. (As a matter of policy; if they have the key on
> encrypted partitions they don't even have to do that).
>    I use apache's access management tools to configure which
> users/groups can access which repositories.

Much of this does not appear immediately necessary to using only the
command line interface on the team member's workstation or laptop to
sync with a repository on the server, thus making it look like
significantly more of a solution than I need.  Am I mistaken?

>    The only part of the whole configuration which I found to be annoying
> was the generation of certificates/keys (the openssl command line tool
> and online manual is at times very unfriendly). Other than that, it was
> pretty much a breeze.
>    If this is something you're interested in, then I can post more
> detailed instructions on how to set it up.

I am interested for future needs, even if this is not really a
quick/easy way to accomplish what I need right now.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]
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