On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 1:03 PM, Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> the radar). Ideally the library itself will have zero dependencies on any
> sort of transport layer (HTTP/SSH) and can instead work over an abstract
> i/o interface (which is already in place but may not be sufficient - time
> will tell). If you have concrete ideas regarding such details, please feel
> free to make suggestions.

Back to that for a moment... i'm trying to keep the library as ignorant as
possible of i/o. All operations on the db happen in terms of content in
memory, not files (at least not at this point). Even though your repo db
might name a certain blob "my-file.txt", it doesn't ever have to exist in
the filesystem as a file as far as the library is concerned. My goal is to
have the core library not deal with any i/o outside of (A) the db files and
(B) generic i/o interfaces which take data from or feed data to the user
(but the user provides the i/o routines, so the library can use arbitrary
i/o channels). For the sake of usability and memory-use, there will need to
be at least some core support for working with files (e.g. checking in/out
from/to disk instead of memory), but i'm still a good ways away from
knowing what that API might eventually look like. Suggestions and
bikeshedding are welcomed.

----- stephan beal
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