On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 10:12 AM, David Mason <dma...@ryerson.ca> wrote:

> All I want is for my users to say:
>     fossil clone ssh://remote/proj.fossil clone.fossil
> or similar (without identifying any fossil user or password in the
> command - or prompted), and have ssh fire off a remote fossil based on
> the ssh.pub file they've given me and connect them as a fossil user
> name that I've chosen for each of them.

The following works for me with stock fossil at least as far back as 1.25:

   - All of my repos are on a simple ssh-capable shared host under the
   account 'fossil'. Anyone with a public key in the server's authorized-keys
   file could ssh to that server and do whatever they wanted.

   - In each user's ~/.ssh/config (just for convenience):

Host vc

  HostName vc.example.com

  User fossil

   - now each developer does the following:

$ fossil clone ssh://vc/repos/test2.fossil test2.fossil

$ fossil user add <the name you want them to use>

$ fossil user default <the name again>

I think this pretty much covers your requirements, though unlike Andy's
solution it does assume a level of trust and the user stuff is enforced by
policy rather than by the software. I'm pretty sure if you have added the
users to the upstream repo you can pull the users down instead of adding
them to each cloned repo -- but I can't for the life of me remember how.
You would still have to issue the 'fossil user default <whatever>' command
so that local checkins come from the correct user.

This is kind of a new workflow for me, so I haven't really explored the
edge cases yet. At the very least any local-repo changes show up after a
sync with the correct username on the remote, which is the basic level of
functionality that I was looking for.
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