On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 07:02:52PM -0600, Andy Bradford wrote:
> Thus said Chad Perrin on Tue, 13 Aug 2013 18:39:21 -0600:
> > Everything was working great until I tried to use the following in the
> > authorized_keys file for the user account hosting the Fossil repos:
> > 
> >     command="/usr/local/bin/fossil",no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding
> >     ssh-rsa <key> <user>@<client-host>
> This  won't really  work  at  all with  the  current  release of  fossil
> (version 1.26) because  fossil's client side expects to be  able to talk
> to a shell, not to a fossil program.
> > . . . because, of course, "ssh -L" is then prevented from working.
> That  shouldn't have  prevented port  forwarding. no-port-forwarding  is
> what prevents that and I don't see that listed.  More than likely what 
> happened is that the SSH connection brought up fossil, but it gave you 
> a usage statement.
> >  Is there  a fairly simple way  to prevent people from  doing anything
> > unrelated to what  a dev team member  should be able to  do that still
> > allows me to use this approach to granting encrypted Fossil access?
> Well, if you are doing the port forwarding approach, yes, there is. Make
> the command something like sleep:
> command="/bin/sleep 28800" ssh-rsa ...

Ahh, of course.  I'm kind of an idiot today.  What I need is a harmless
command that prevents the user from doing anything else on the system in
the shell, not the fossil command.

Thanks.  I'll see if I can come up with something that'll work
"indefinitely", and in the meantime use sleep.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]
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