On Wed, 21 Aug 2013 13:25:50 +0200, Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com> wrote:

On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 1:22 PM, j. van den hoff

On Wed, 21 Aug 2013 12:58:35 +0200, Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com>
intentionally undocumented or did nobody manage to add it to the manpages?

Intentional - see the comment line at the start of that block.

I don't hope this happens with priority (i.e. only if the integer is not
the leading segment of a valid checkin hash)?

See the 2nd and 3rd lines - those ensure that it only matches a whole

for the layman: what exactly is the record ID? obviously it's not simply
the chronological checkin number?

Almost - it's the db entry record ID (blob.rid table/field). They tend to
be chronological, but philosophically speeking that's not guaranteed
(except that autoincrementing basically guarantees it).

"philosophical" issues aside:
does that mean that with the current implementation (and probably "forever") the record IDs are actually simply enumerating checkins (or everything (wiki, tickets, etc.)?).

because if they are, I'd come back to an old wish of mine, namely to make these numbers visible in the timeline output (at least on the command line) and to accept them (probably with priority over SHA1 spec.)
instead of the hashes in all commands requiring revision specification(s).

this wrapper:


(designed by marc simpson) does this already to some extent (in the `dresden' branch only), i.e. displays timeline entries with added chronological revision numbers (checkins only) derived from simply counting all entries in the complete timeline and makes these numbers understood by `diff' ,`merge', `up'. that's what I use right now, but having the rev. numbers provided by fossil itself would be really appreciated.

(NB: pleas don't explain again to me that these numbers are not necessarily unique across clones -- I understand that -- and that they are thus EVIL (they are not) ;-))


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