On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 11:26 AM, Mark Janssen <mpc.jans...@gmail.com>wrote:

> One reason which would make my life easier is when dealing with tickets,
> it is much easier to discuss bug 12 (in blessed repo X) instead of ticket
> uuid [some 8+ digit number]. When I work with tickets on github I know the
> bug ids of tickets I am working on. When working with fossil I always have
> to look up the uuid.
But then if you push your tickets to a collaborator he will end up with
different sequential ticket numbers.  So he sends you an email talking
about "bug 12" and you look at "bug 12" and see a completely different
ticket.  Confusion ensues.

The bottom line is that you cannot have sequential numbers without a
central authority issuing those numbers.  And the whole idea behind a
*distributed* system is that there is no central authority.  There are
advantages and disadvantages to being distributed.  The lack of sequential
numbers is one of the disadvantages.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

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