On 29/08/13 23:19, David Given wrote:
> I enclose a patch which I think fixes it; please comment...

A little bit more investigation shows that there's actually several ways
in which the code initialises the database connection, and they all very
slightly, and I'm now a bit confused. It looks like the extra functions
described in sqlcmd_autoinit() only get registered when using 'fossil
sqlite3' (subject to the bug mentioned earlier). Other db connections,
such as the ones used when actually doing work, get re_add_sql_func()
called on them to register 'regexp()' but don't get the other functions.

What I'm actually trying to do is to add some functionality which is
accessed via a couple of extra SQL functions. What's the preferred way
to do this?

┌─── dg@cowlark.com ───── http://www.cowlark.com ─────
│ "Ripley's Law: Never go further for the cat than the cat would go for
│ you." --- Vexxarr Bleen (trans. Hunter Cressall)

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