On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 11:26 PM, Kees Nuyt <k.n...@zonnet.nl> wrote:

> I wouldn't mind logging the arguments as well, especially for commands
> that modify the repository or a stash.

i considered it, but the code overhead just wasn't worth it at that time of
night. One of these days i'll miss having that, add it, and add a -verbose
option which also shows the args.

> I wouldn't be interested in logging query-class commands, like
> fossil ls, fossil status, fossil timeline

Do you mean the SQL code itself? If so, try:

f time -n 1 -sqltrace

One can learn a lot about how fossil works by using that.

usage -> commandtrace or commandhistory or cmdtrace or cmdhistory

i think 3 of those might mess up the column alignment in 'help' ;).

> Note: on Linux/unix, it doesn't add much,
>   history [-OPTIONS] | grep fossil
> will do fine, on MS Windows, I think it really adds value.

Me, too, but i'm aware that many other people have much greater concerns
regarding any sort of usage protocols. For me it's harmless, but "it's not
just about me."

----- stephan beal
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