On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 10:31 AM, Jacek Cała <jacek.c...@gmail.com> wrote:

> in the field (possibly without commas, or a mixture). Ignoring the
>> complication of having to parse/grok the content (it's a minor
>> complication, granted, but parsing text is always at least a slight
>> annoyance), there's another problem: DVCS. i edit the field, then you close
>> the ticket in your copy before i sync my changes to the blocker list. So
>> we've now got a closed ticket with open blockers. i don't see how that
>> could be made to work (meaning "automatically enforced") 100% reliably in a
>> DVCS.
> Fair enough, it's just that having indicators that something is blocking
> my ticket may still be useful -- at least to me. Clearly, I'd sync my repo
> before trying to resolve any blockers but at least I know they exist

Having a list of any related tickets is useful. Your implementation is
impressive and good. My own was just an extra field with a text area in the
ticket edit page - though I did actually "render" links on the ticket view
page. I might use a simplified version of yours.
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