On 17 Oct 2013, at 18:40, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 1:21 PM, Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 7:17 PM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:
> Currently, Fossil requires REQUEST_URI and SCRIPT_NAME at a minimum, and will 
> construct PATH_INFO from those two if it is missing.  I'm working on a patch 
> to construct REQUEST_URI from SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO if REQUEST_URI is 
> missing instead.
> i think the requirement on REQUEST_URI is in general a mistake (though one 
> which appears to mostly work). There's no mention of REQUEST_URI in the CGI 
> spec, though many CGI examples/howtos i'm looking at do use this (and some 
> even imply that they are standard (e.g. 
> http://www.cgi101.com/book/ch3/text.html), but i can find no proof of that).
> I've checked in a potential fix.
> The fix changes Fossil to require SCRIPT_NAME and one of REQUEST_URI or 
> PATH_INFO.  CGI should always supply PATH_INFO.  SCGI should give us 
> REQUEST_URI.  Either way, Fossil will be happy now.

I've just tried [403d937287] with Jetty, and it works. Thank you!

(And I was anticipating making the fix myself after confirmation it was seen as 
something which should be fixed in fossil, but it was really kind of you to 
change it so quickly.)

Since it looks like 1.28 is going to be out soon, I'll wait for that before 
updating the server.



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