On 1/9/2014 13:17, Richard Hipp wrote:

        SQLite alphas are more robust that "stables" of most other
        software projects.

    Are you asserting that no data-destroying bugs have ever appeared in a
    SQLite alpha?

Yes, I am.  Are you aware of any that I missed?

I'll take you at your word. I'm not going to go trawl the SQLite changelog to try and prove you wrong.

I'm just uncomfortable being conscripted into someone else's alpha testing program, especially when that test involves my work product, purposely stored in a central location[*] for archival purposes.

I have no problem with you asking people to volunteer for such a test.

[*] The fact that Fossil is a DVCS doesn't ease my mind on this matter. All that means is that if there ever is a data loss, it will take some time to propagate among the copies, during which time I *may* catch it in time to recover, before the last copy gets tainted.
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