On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 12:01 PM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 1:06 PM, Matt Welland <estifo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I find myself wanting to maintain multiple fossils per project since some
>> parts need to decoupled from the source. This is a pain since now I have to
>> remember to sync multiple fossils,
> The "fossil all sync" command should mitigate this pain somewhat.  This
> will sync all your projects, even those that are unrelated.  I find it very
> useful when I'm leaving on a trip to "fossil all push" on my desktop then
> "fossil all pull" on my laptop, thus ensuring that I have everything with
> me.
> The "fossil all changes" command is also available, for identifying those
> repos that need a commit.

Yes, these and the login group stuff do make it easier. Because I've done
so many experiments with fossil using ssh and other things I get a little
nervous when I do global actions that something unintended might happen and
so I tend to avoid it.

Nonetheless, a very good point.

>>  deal with N times the maintenance (e.g. add users to three fossils)
> You can add multiple repos to the same "Login Group" under the Admin menu
> to get single-signin.  You still have to add users to each repo separately,
> but once added, users can change their passwords on all repos in a single
> go, and they only have to login to one repo in order to get access to them
> all.  If you already have all users on one repo, you can transfer them all
> to another repo easily using
>      fossil config export user -R 1strepo.fsl - | fossil config import -R
> 2ndrepo.fsl
>> and wiki pages and tickets are not shared.
>> I find that documentation, configuration and tests work better for me
>> when not coupled directly to the source timeline (i). I can achieve this by
>> branching from the first node and then maintaining the purpose branches but
>> this leaves open the risk of accidentally merging these branches that
>> should never merge to trunk, an irreversible action.
>> I've accidentally created independent timelines in fossil before when
>> importing from monotone so I know it can be done (or used to be possible).
>> Is there a way to do this either with the official fossil binary or with a
>> little sql hackery? What things are likely to break if I go down this path?
> Maybe (haven't actually tried this) you could create a branch called "doc"
> then create a second check-in on the doc branch, then shun the original doc
> check-in and rebuild.  That might prevent the doc branch from ever being
> merged with any other.  Try this on test repo first.  Maybe share your
> results with the mailing list.  If it works, maybe we'll add it to the
> official docs someplace.
> The other thing you might try is to take two or more independent repos and
> run "fossil deconstruct" on them all, to generate directories filled with
> artifacts.  Then combine the artifacts from all deconstructions into a
> single directory.  Then "fossil reconstruct" a new repository from the
> combined directory.  One problem with that approach is that you would
> likely end up with multiple disjoint branches named "trunk".  To fix that,
> just find the first check-in for each of the multiple "trunk" branches (or
> maybe all but one of them) and rename that first check-in using the "Make
> this check-in the start of a new branch" option on the "edit" webpage.

I've tested both these ideas and they appear to work. It does look like
shunning or removing the initial commit is needed or somehow the code sees
a connection between the trees. In my test half the files had no ancestor
and did not merge and half the files did merge as "ADDED". I don't see the
pattern but by removing the initial commit this didn't happen.

I'll test this out for a while and report back to the list in case the idea
is of use to anyone else.

Thanks for the input, it was much appreciated.

>> In my dream version of fossil it would be possible to have top-level
>> directories associated with different timelines and then be able to
>> configure  a contour. E.g.
>> src - branch-v1.55
>> docs - tip
>> tests - tip
>> For now I'd just be very happy if I could create the docs and tests as
>> branches with no ancestor in common with src. I will then open each in a
>> separate sub dir something like this:
>> cd src;fossil open ~/fossils/project.fossil;fossil co trunk
>> cd ../docs;fossil open ~/fossils/project.fossil;fossil co docs
>> cd ../tests;fossil open ~/fossils/project.fossil;fossil co tests
>> -project-|-src
>>          |-docs
>>          |-tests
>> (i) The reason for separate timelines for documentation, tests and
>> configuration is that in each one of these cases I sometimes need to work
>> with different combinations or contours. The most common example is running
>> the latest tests against older versions. The scenario goes like this; a bug
>> is found and the tests are updated and then go back to fix an officially
>> released version but since the tests are tightly coupled with the source it
>> requires removing directories and symlinking to a different checkout which
>> is error prone and ugly.
>> --
>> Matt
>> -=-
>> 90% of the nations wealth is held by 2% of the people. Bummer to be in
>> the majority...
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> --
> D. Richard Hipp
> d...@sqlite.org
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> fossil-users mailing list
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90% of the nations wealth is held by 2% of the people. Bummer to be in the
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