On 2014-03-20 12:46:15, Stephan Beal wrote:
> (...)
> # f help
> Usage: f help COMMAND
> Common COMMANDs:  (use "f help -a|--all" for a complete list)
> add         changes     gdiff       open        rss         ui
> addremove   clean       help        praise      settings    undo
> all         clone       import      pull        sqlite3     update
> annotate    commit      info        push        stash       version
> bisect      diff        init        rebuild     status
> blame       export      ls          remote-url  sync
> branch      extras      merge       revert      tag
> cat         finfo       mv          rm          timeline
> Weird. i'll fix that tonight unless one of the other devs says there was a
> reason why co/checkout was left out of that list. (In practice, though,
> checkout generally tends to only be used only once for a given local repo
> copy.)

...which is, AFAIUI, the reason why it's not on the short list of help topics.

Actually, in my mind, when reading Michael's message, I kept thinking: uhm,
you got it open, now update ;)
(not disputing the need for documentation; this is a report from experience
 of what went wrong and this should be fixed)

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