Thanks for the pointer Andy. (it should be .infoComment not .timelineComment)

This is for the Fossil Web UI.
How can I get it from the command prompt?
What I need is from the output of [fossil] timeline.


On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 10:30 AM, Andy Bradford 
<> wrote:
Thus said Paulus Tuerah on Mon, 14 Apr 2014 10:55:16 -0700:
>> Is fossil does not support multiple lines comment?
>I would  post the link  to the mailing  list archive for  reference, but
>unfortunately the  archive only  goes back less  than a  year---not sure
>why. Maybe  we should get the  Fossil mailing list on At any
>rate, here is the magic CSS sauce:
>.timelineComment {
>  font-family: monospace;
>  white-space: pre;
>Much of Fossil's interface can be controlled via CSS.
>TAI64 timestamp: 40000000534ca7d7
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