On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 6:50 PM, Chad Perrin <c...@apotheon.net> wrote:

> Okay, yeah, that'll be handy -- but not suitable for my need/desire to
> make the wiki editable from the console (obviously), as I definitely
> need to make wiki pages available for editing from the web interface as
> well.  Does the embedded docs feature do markdown formatting?

i _think_ embedded docs support all the same formatting as wikis. It

  if( fossil_strcmp(zMime, "text/x-fossil-wiki")==0 ){
  }else if( fossil_strcmp(zMime, "text/x-markdown")==0 ){

yes, it does.

> Wait.  I'll go look at documentation so you don't have to start
> answering questions that are easily answered by doing some research.

Too late.

> Oh, never mind, the embedded docs won't do me any good, because I use
> FreeBSD, not GNU/Emacs.

Then you're outta luck. Can't help there ;).

----- stephan beal
"Freedom is sloppy. But since tyranny's the only guaranteed byproduct of
those who insist on a perfect world, freedom will have to do." -- Bigby Wolf
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