On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 8:15 AM, Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> The lock you're seeing is almost certainly your dropbox and "should" be
> harmless. sqlite locks the db as needed, and Dropbox "should" recognize
> that and not touch the file as long as it's locked (but posix locks are
> advisory locks, not required to be honored!).

Actually, I may have tracked it down now. It turns out to be a hung fossil
process. I no longer think it's due to Dropbox.

I stopped using Dropbox and started syncing to a private remote server. I
use cron to do a commit & sync every hour, and fossil is run from a bash
script via cron. It seems that after a couple of successful runs, the
fossil process starts to "hang". I get a bunch of them when I do "ps aux",
and when I kill them, the commits start working again.

I've seen references to fossil hanging before (but can't find it now). Is
this a known issue?
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