On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 12:07 AM, Andy Bradford <amb-fos...@bradfords.org>

> Thus said Andy Bradford on Tue, 03 Jun 2014 21:59:21 -0600:
> > Does the Q-card here not imply any relation with c14a4a93d5a3 which will
> > be picked  up in trunk?
> It seems I did not understand this very well:
>     A Q-card is similar to a P-card in that it defines a predecessor
>     to  the  current check-in.  But  whereas  a P-card  defines  the
>     immediate ancestor  or a merge  ancestor, the Q-card is  used to
>     identify a single  check-in or a small range  of check-ins which
>     were  cherry-picked  for  inclusion  in or  exclusion  from  the
>     current manifest.
> Which I suppose means that there is no ancestral relationship.

Right.  Q-cards are informational only and are not used by merge logic, or
currently for any other purpose.  At some point it would be nice to show
cherry-pick lines in the timeline graph, and for that the Q-cards will be

> > $ fossil merge c14a4a
> > MERGE file
> >  "fossil undo" is available to undo changes to the working checkout.
> Should a merge  in this case result  in a conflict? Or is  it correct to
> merge in  the content  a second  time? Or should  it recognize  that the
> Q-card UUID and the UUID of the version being merged in are the same and
> include a warning or even error?

The merge logic in Fossil recognizes when the same exact change is merged
more than once and avoids conflicts in that case.  The Q-cards are not
necessary for this.

D. Richard Hipp
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