On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 10:36 AM, B Harder <brad.har...@gmail.com> wrote:
> drh> Fossil allows you to commit a subset of files (by listing the
> files on the "fossil commit" command line) but there is no mechanism
> for committing a subset of lines within a single file.
> That, and there _are_ branches/tags which are encouraged to be used...
> my prev comment was for the case where a single file gets two-thoughts
> worth of changes (subset of lines). For subsets of lines (assume we
> want two logical commits), I head to my editor, tease out logical

Key words there: "tease out".  You have to stare at diffs and do/undo
part of the change by manual application of diffs.

Compare to SourceTree's interface to the index:


Or git add -e or -p, or hg record.

SourceTree's GUI interface lets you:

 - stage/discard/neither by hunk
 - stage/discard/neither specific lines in hunks
 - edit hunk lines to be staged

That's also what git add -e lets you do.

It's just much easier to disentangle large diffs this way than with
manual teasing out via $EDITOR.

> section1 -> tmp file. fossil stash save -m "logical thought temp1"
> ./file-of-interest;
> re-enter tmp.file -> file-of-interest; fossil ci -m "description of
> logical thought" ./file-of-interest; fossil stash pop [edit if
> necessary]; fossil ci -m "description of other logical thought"
> ./file-of-interest

I know how to do this.  I did this for many, many years before the
advent of git, and my learning git add -p/-e.  Even a grumpy systems
guy whose every command-line is a script... can learn to love not
having to do error-prone operations like this in such a manual way.  I
could never teach my non-programmer spouse to do what you do to work
around Fossil's lack of anything like hg record or the git index, but
with SourceTree's interface to git she does this every day without
breaking a sweat.

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